Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had been hoping to come up with 12 different countries to pray for over the next 12 months, with 1 country being focused on intensely each month. However, as I am going through my list of countries I have so far in my mind, as well as other potentials to pray about, I have around 8-10 that I really feel like investing time and prayers in, and after that I feel like I am just trying to add random ones to make the final number 12. I am thinking about the following plan instead: 10 months/countries to pray for, which would last from July 2008 through April 2009. Then, following the time praying for each country I would take one final month to LISTEN to God, while reflecting on everything I had prayed and learned about over the previous 10 months. Hopefully by the end of May I would have decided on a country, which would then leave 40 days to raise support. 

Supposing this plan were carried out completely, and everything works out the way this roughly says it should, the departure time would be between mid- and late-July, 2009.

Does this make sense? 11 months of prayer, and about 1 month (plus a few extra days) for support raising.

A plan, journey, and adventure that, at that point, will have been 1 year in the making.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jake's Back

pray for it. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Jake and Schwab (or whoever else reading this). This is an idea that I thought of today while thinking about what I want to do after school next summer. After talking to both of you at different times in the past. I'm not saying that I think you NEED to do it with me, but I thought it would be cool since we had talked about doing Africa in the summer of 2009.

Lately Mexico and the DR have been on my mind. That, as well as how cool it would be to go to places like Uganda, or India, or China, or Oregon/Washington for ministry and such. 

I want to take the next 12 months to pray about what to do next summer, taking a different mission field to pray and learn about each month. This would include learning about culture, statistics, location/history, needs, organizations and missions already in place, where God is moving, and whatever else we can find.

Following the year of praying, I then want to decide on a final location on where God may be leading me (or, us), and begin support raising. here is where the name comes in: 12 months to pray, then forty days to raise $4000 (a piece if need be) to cover mission costs. May need a bit more, may need a bit less, but that seems like a decent amount to set as a goal.